ANTC 411 THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF AIDS                TTH 2:00-3:15       Fall 2004 MacVicar 120



Patricia Whelehan, Ph.D., CST, CAI/Counselor

122 MacVicar



Office Hours: M 1-3; TuTh 3:15-4pm and by appointment


Books/Readings:                  Women and AIDS.  Roth & Fuller, eds.

                                                Killing Us Quietly, Vernon

An Anthropological Perspective on HIV/AIDS, Whelehan, P.  Available through Blackboard only.

                                                Reserve readings as appropriate:      "The Wedding Gift", NYT OR  (OR = On Reserve)

                                                Nevid 1993 HIV/STD's OR


                                                 Human Rights in Cuba OR

                                                Pilkington, Kern & Indest. "Safer Sex and Romance." OR

Steinglass: “It Takes a Village Healer.”

HIV Plus (OR)

ther articles, links as they become available



Engines:                Yahoo/Google


                       (medical aspects)




                       (GMHC) (politics)

                       (CDC stats)

                       (AIDS Institute, NY)

                       (HIV testing in NY)                                                                   (stats or HIV in NY)                                                         

(treatment and risk stats) (medical aspects)




                       (biology of AIDS)

                                Google:AmFAR Treatment Directory (medical aspects) (AAA guidelines)                                                            


                                Gender AIDS website/list serve:


Student Services:                The University supports equal access to services regardless of disability.  Any student with a disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations should speak with the professor as early as possible

                                                 Students with disabilities should also contact: Sharon House, Coordinator of Accommodative Services at 267-3267, Sisson 112, or e-mail her at for

                                                 further assistance.  All disclosures will remain confidential.


Evaluation:                            A 15-20 page research paper is required.  The format, deadline for submission and grade breakdown are attached.  Your final grade is 20% class attendance and participation and 80% paper.


Grade Breakdown:              92-100=4.0                             74-76=2.3

                                                88-91=3.7                               71-73=2.0

                                                84-87=3.3                               68-70=1.7

                                                80-83=3.0                               64-67=1.3

                                                77-79=2.7                               60-63=1.0


Requirements:   1)               The research paper is our formal source of evaluation.  Deadlines are non-negotiable.

2)             Class attendance is mandatory.  I follow the attendance policy described in the college catalog.  After three unexcused absences, you will be asked to drop the course.

3)             Class preparation and participation are required and mandatory.  It is the only way I know that the  course objectives can be met.

                                4)             ANTP 150 Human Sexuality - prerequisite.


ANT Major/GEP:                 This course meets the 400 Level course requirement for the major.  It fills the GEP mode SA and is an upper division elective.


Potsdam Honor Code:         "On My Honor:  I will not give nor receive any inappropriate assistance on any academic work in accordance with the SUNY Potsdam Academic Honor Code

and the directions given to me by each course instructor."


Objectives:                            The anthropological perspectives of holism and relativism are the foundation of this course.  AIDS, a global health problem, effects the species at all levels of our being.  We are going to examine

AIDS medically, biologically, culturally, economically, politically, and behaviorally.  We will apply these perspectives to specific groups as relevant.  We will be doing anthropology.

 The agenda for this course is to reach a cognitive understanding of AIDS which is internalized so that our attitudes and behaviors keep ourselves and others healthy and safe.

 This class will be conducted as a seminar.  This means that assigned readings are done so that class discussion of the readings can be held.  You are expected to come to class prepared to discuss,

question, and apply the readings.  The topics are a guide and we will proceed through them at the group's pace.  Confidentiality and trust are integral parts of the course.  I will do what I can to create

a safe, trusting environment in which each of us and the group can explore this phenomenon.  It is highly likely that we will not complete all the topics on the syllabus.  Adjustments will be made as

necessary and class input will be sought.

As much as possible, I will try to bring in guest lecturers who have specific expertise in various fields of AIDS work


NO CLASSES:                     Tuesday, 10/12/04;  Thursday, 11/25/04

PAPERS DUE:                      Thursday, December 9, 2004

PAPER PRESENTATIONS:  Start Thursday. December 9, 2004; finish Monday, December 13, 3:30-5:30



                I.              Intro to course

                II.            Confidentiality

                                                How to do a research paper

                III.           The Anthropological Perspective As it Applies to AIDS

                IV.           The Anthropology of Health and Illness

                V.            The Biology and Virology of AIDS

                VI.           The Epidemiology of AIDS

                VII.          Medical Aspects of AIDS

                VIII.        The Politics of AIDS

                IX.           The Economics of AIDS

                X.            Socio-psychological Dimensions of AIDS

                XI.           Women and AIDS

                XII.         AIDS and Risk Taking: Trust

XIII.        AIDS and Sexuality

                XIV.        AIDS and Drugs

                XV.         HIV Test Issues

                XVI.        The Personal Dimension of AIDS

                XVII.       AIDS: Grieving and Loss

                XVIII. AIDS and Humanity: What we've been given.  Where we go.


Readings:                              Intro to course

                                                                Roth & Fuller: Intro

                                                                Vernon Intro        

                                                The Anthropological Perspective as it Applies to AIDS

                                                                Whelehan: Chapter 1 (Blackboard)

                                                                Vollmer Article (handout)

                                                The Biology & Virology of AIDS

                                                                Budd: Chapter 3., Blackboard

                                                                Guest Speaker: Dr. T. Budd, Biology Prof.,

                                                                St. Lawrence University

                                                The Epidemiology of AIDS

                                                                MMWR/CDC update

                                                                Whelehan: Chapter 2 Blackboard

                                                                Video: "A Closer Walk"

                                                Medical Aspects of AIDS

                                                                Fuller & Roth: Part II - all

                                                                Steinglass: “It Takes a Village Healer” OR

                                                                Budd: Chapter 5 Blackboard

                                                                Video: "AIDS Beyond the Hospital;" "AIDS" (NOVA); "Living with HIV."

                                                The Politics and Economics of AIDS

                                                                Video:  "And The Band Played On"

                                                                Fuller & Roth: Part III - all

                                                                Vernon 4

                                                                Whelehan: Chapter 9 Blackboard

                                                                Scheper-Hughes (OR): Cuba

                                                                AARG Bulletin April 2001 OR

                                                Socio-psychological Dimensions of AIDS

                                                                "The Wedding Gift"  (OR)

                                                                Video:     "It's My Party"

                                                                                "Psychology of the HIV Caregiver"

                                                                Whelehan: Chapter 10 Blarkboard

                                                Women and AIDS

                                                                Fuller & Roth : Part I - Chapter 1

                                                                Whelehan: Chapter 8 Blackboard

                                                                Vernon 2

                                                                Videos:   "Matter of the Heart"

                                                                                "My Body's My Business"

                                                AIDS & Risk Taking

                                                                Vernon 3

                                                                Video: "NYSDH Safer Sex"

                                                AIDS & Sexuality

                                                                Fuller & Roth: Part I - Chpts. 2, 4, 5

                                                                Nevid:  HIV/STD (OR)

                                                                Whelehan: Chapter 6 Blackboard

                                                AIDS & Drugs

                                                                Fuller & Roth: Part I - Chapter 3

                                                                Whelehan: Chapter 7 Blackboard

                                                HIV Test Issues

                                                                Whelehan Chapter 4 Blackboard

                                                                NYS HIV Reporting Regs OR

                                                The Personal Dimension of AIDS

                                                                *Guest Lecturer:  Ms.  Ruth Garner

Grieving and Loss

                                                                Death Awareness Sheets

                                                AIDS and Humanity

                                                                Whelehan Chapter 11 Blackboard


VIDEOS:                1)             And The Band Played On

                                2)             A Closer Walk

                                3)             Living with HIV

                                4)             AIDS:  Beyond the Hospital

                                5)             Psychology of the HIV caregiver

6)             My Body's My Business

                                7)             NYSDH safer sex

                                8)             Matter of the Heart

                                9)             It's My Party





F '04 ANTC 411                    The Anthropology of AIDS: Research Requirement


                The major portion of your grade will be the satisfactory completion of a library-based research paper on AIDS.  I suggest you select a topic that interests you, since you will be

doing intensive and extensive work on this project. 80% of your final grade will be based on the paper, with 20% going towards classroom participation and activity.

                The breakdown for the paper includes:

                                10% for topic and initial bibliography

                                10% for outline

                                20% for the rough draft -    You have the option of handing the rough drafts in twice.  Each time you hand in a rough draft, it should be turned in at least 3 days

before it's due to be read and graded.  I will return early submissions to you within 24 hours.

                                40% for the final paper

                The time schedule for this is as follows:

                The final paper is due at 3:15 p.m. the last day of our class in the Fall 2004 semester, Th, Dec. 9, 2004.

                The rough draft is due Thursday, November 18 by 3:15 p.m.

                The outline is due Thursday, October 21 by 3:15 p.m.

                The top/initial bib is due Thursday, September 23 by 3:15 p.m.  Any non-submission or late submission of any of these stages of the research paper is recorded as a 0.0.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  LATE MEANS ANYTIME AFTER 3:15 P.M. ON THE DAY ASSIGNED.  DO NOT RELY ON E-MAIL ATTACHMENTS TO GET YOUR PAPER TO ME ON TIME.  IT IS UNRELIABLE.

Form as well as content are evaluated in grading.  Papers lacking references in text and/or the correct bibliographic form will automatically result in a 0 for the paper.  Not following correct citation and referencing constitutes plagiarism, a criminal offense.  Correct anthropological form is given here.  It needs to be followed for the paper to receive credit.  The AAA website that details correct citation/bibliography form is on your syllabus.

Recognizing that research papers create much confusion and anxiety, sample outlines, bibliography and citation form are enclosed.  There will be 2 scheduled class days devoted to writing your research paper.  One will be a Crumb Library day to (re)acquaint yourself with resources and how to access them.  The second day will involve a guest speaker, Ms. Jennifer Mitchell from the English Department, who will speak to you about citations, bibs, form and content.

With each submission of a paper section - topic, outline, rough draft, and final paper, you will give a brief presentation of your topic.  The schedule is:


Thursday, September 23: Topic: 2 minute presentation of your topic:  what it is, what you will be looking at in your paper.

Thursday, October 21: Outline: 2 minute discussion of how you are organizing your paper.  Any problems you're having accessing resources or designing your paper.

Thursday, November 18:  5 minute presentation of your paper: topic, content, conclusions at this point.  Feedback from the class solicited.

Thursday, December 9  and  exam week, Monday, December 13, 3:30-5:30: 10 minute presentation of your paper to the class.


Having these presentations across the semester were suggested by students in previous Anthropology of AIDS classes.  They suggested this:

1)             to get help with ideas, organization, content, resources

2)             to discuss and share ideas with others who may be researching

similar topic

3)             to be able to present to the class all the work they did over the semester on a topic of interest and importance to them


                                This has worked well and is now a required part of the course. 

                                This is a research paper option plagiarism workshop.                                                                  









 Outline Form

Paper Title - IN CAPS



I.  Introduction

                A.  Subject of paper

                B.  Introduction of basic terms

                                l.  example: define HIV, HIV infection

                                2.  example: define AIDS

                C.  Goal of paper - what are you trying to accomplish

                D.  How will you organize your paper


II.  Body of Paper

                A.  Major sections broken up by topic headings

                B.  Statement of Research

                C.  Findings


III. Summary and Conclusion

                A.  Restatement of purpose

                B.  Synthesis and summary materials

                                eg: RISK REDUCTION AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS

                                                l.  Introduction

                                                                a.  HIV infection and AIDS are pandemic

                                                                b.  Def. basic terms

                                                                c.  HIV relative to college student sexual behavior

                                                                d.  Concern for college students risk taking

                                                                                l. sexual risk takers

                                                                                2. drug risk takers

                                                                                3. time for exploring boundaries

                                                                e.  College students examined relative to

                                                                                l. subculture of college

                                                                                2. US attitudes towards sex and drugs

                                                                                3. college students and AIDS

                                                                                4. suggestions for risk reduction

                                                2.  Body of Paper

                                                                a.  Subculture of college students

                                                                b.  US attitudes towards sex and drugs

                                                                c.  College student sex and drug behavior

                                                                d.  College students risk for HIV infection

                                                                e.  Problems in risk reduction

                                                                f.  Suggestions for effective risk reduction

                                                                                l. KABP model

                                                                                2. Peer support

                                                                                3. Self interest

                                                                                4. Continued support

                                                3.  Conclusions

                                                                a. Why college students are at risk

                                                                b. Kinds of risks and means to reduce risk

                                                                c. Implications of success or failure

Citation in text:

                When citing a source in text, the reference follows the completed thought whether it is a direct quote, paraphrase or idea borrowed from someone else. 

The citation as put in ( ) with the author's last name and date of publication.  eg. Compadrazgo has been used to explain why one group of urban Latinas

does not experience exogenous depression (Dugan l988).




Bibliography form:


                Book: author, last name, first initial. 

                                Date of publication (DOP).  Title.  Place of publication (POP).  Publisher.


                Kelly, G.

                                l989.        Understanding our Sexuality.  Sluice Dock, Guilford, Ct: Dushkin                                              Publishing Co.


                Journal article: Author, last name, first initial. 

                                DOP.  "Title."  Journal.  Vol # (issue #) (month): pages.


                Mead, M.

                                1968.       "Socialization." Current Anthropology, 12 (no issue #) (no                                                         month):22-68.


Article from an edited book: Author, last name, first initial.  DOP.  "Article Title."  In Title of Book.  Editor's name, (ed.).  POP:Publisher:pages.

                Dugan, A.

                                1988.  "Compadrazgo as an effective depression-fighting mechanism."    In Women and Health.  P. Whelehan. (ed.).  Amherst, MA: Bergen and Garvey, Publ:223-45.


                Use the American Anthropologist as your reference guide for style to help you.  (post 1973)


                Web sites:

                                Search Engine, specific date, title.  Web site address.

                                eg:…..2004.  (full url).  Accessed 10/4/04.     


                The academic honesty policy of the College states:

                Students have an obligation to themselves and to their fellow students to uphold the integrity of their institution and of higher learning itself by l) refusing to participate, either directly or indirectly, in acts of dishonesty and 2) discouraging such acts by others.  One who collaborates with another in an act of dishonesty shares the guilt of the offense.  Cheating, in all of its manifestations, is a deplorable and dishonest activity, a betrayal of personal values and contrary to the basic goals of learning and individual development to which students, teachers and the College are committed.  Students must be fully aware of what constitutes academic dishonesty; claims of ignorance cannot be used to justify or rationalize dishonest acts.

                Plagiarism, a form of cheating, is the most prevalent expression of academic dishonesty.  Plagiarism is the misrepresentation of any part of another's work as one's own, and is equivalent to fraud.  It involves giving or receiving unpermitted or unacknowledged aid on any assignment of self-initiated endeavor, such as examinations, papers, research reports, laboratory exercises and computer programs, as well as art, music and theater projects and compositions.  Of special note and concern is the fraudulent use of purchased research papers.  Specific information concerning proscribed conduct and ensuing judicial procedures is provided in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct; the Student Government Constitution; and other relevant documents prepared by individual departments and faculty members.

                The form of plagiarism called "cribbing" when performed in tests and examinations is theft, no less serious than any other theft because it involves words or ideas rather than material property.  It is also unethical to try to obtain details of a quiz or examination ahead of time.  The temptation is greatest perhaps in multiple-section courses, where an instructor may use the same questions for different sections.  In such cases, the instructor will take reasonable precautions to discourage dishonesty, but the prime responsibility rests with the student.

                In the preparation of research papers, book reports, essays, compositions and speeches, students will generally utilize information gained from others.  It is absolutely necessary to acknowledge this help and information.  Manuals of instruction in the technique of preparing reports and papers are available in the Library and the College Bookstore.  Such writer's guides as Writing: A College Handbook or the Harbrace College Handbook contain sections on proper form for documentation.  It is the student's responsibility to learn and apply the general and specific requirements.

                Disciplinary action against those who have been judged quilty of any breach of academic honesty may include: l) grade reduction on the assignment in question, 2) a failing grade in the course, and/or 3) suspension or dismissal from the College.

                Note: It is a violation of New York State law for a student to utilize the services of a term paper writer.